2 Days: Training from the Back of the Room
GOTO Copenhagen 2024

2 Days: Training from the Back of the Room

Monday Sep 30
09:00 –
Tuesday Oct 1
09:00 –
11,000.00 DKK

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Welcome to the best of teaching, training, and learning!

The official 2-day in-person “Training from the BACK of the Room” (TBR) Practitioner Class is a globally acclaimed, interactive, skills-building train-the-trainer class for anyone who is a trainer, teacher, instructor, coach, or facilitator of learning.

In this 2-day in-person TBR Practitioner Class, you’ll explore how the human brain learns, which is very different from traditional assumptions about learning. And you’ll be introduced to “cognitive neuroscience” concepts – the brain science behind all effective instructional design and human learning.

All attendees will get copies of the bestselling books "Training from the Back of the Room!" and “Using Brain Science to Make Training Stick" by Sharon L Bowman.

During the class, you will explore six powerful learning principles based on the best in brain science:

  • Images Trumps Words
  • Talking Trumps Listening
  • Movement Trumps Sitting
  • Writing Trumps Reading
  • Shorter Trumps Longer
  • Different Trumps Same

You will also:

  • Apply these principles every time you train, teach, instruct, or coach others.

  • Experience and collect dozens of interactive instructional strategies you can use with any topic and group of learners.

  • Use the 4Cs Map – a powerful 4-step instructional design and delivery model – to design any class or training you facilitate.

  • Create a training plan specific to a topic you already teach.

  • Receive a 55-page resource workbook that is only available with this class.

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