Tuesday Oct 1
09:00 –
Raffinaderivej 10, 2300 CPH S. Meeting 2 (1. floor)
5,500.00 DKK

Technological change is relentless. It often feels like software engineers must learn new tools, techniques, and systems every day. Distinguished Professor of Engineering Barbara Oakley, instructor of Learning How to Learn on Coursera with nearly four million students, shows you how to better utilize the most important tool in a developer's toolkit: their brain.

In this workshop, Dr. Oakley reveals the latest neuroscience-backed strategies for learning coding skills quickly and effectively. Attendees will discover how to leverage generative AI to aid complex problem conceptualization, consolidate key learnings through smart spaced repetition, stay motivated through dopamine-enhancing habits, and more techniques to master new languages and frameworks.

Engineers will gain an evidence-based blueprint for enhancing working memory, accelerating expertise, retaining knowledge long-term, and getting the most out of continuing education. Turbocharge your learning and build new neural connections with tips from one of the world's foremost authorities on the science of learning.

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