No slides - just code
Pragmatic Event Driven Microservices with Axon and Spring BootAllard BuijzeMonday Oct 2, 10:20
Phoenix in Action: A Demonstration of Web Development in ElixirSonny ScrogginMonday Oct 2, 11:40
Alexa, Let’s Build a Serverless SkillChris MunnsMonday Oct 2, 13:30
React NativeMax MalmMonday Oct 2, 14:50
Automating for Acceleration with AtomistJessica KerrRuss MilesMonday Oct 2, 16:10
Aud. 11
Topic Description
Enough with the slides! Show! Me! The! Code! Join this track and see live coding right on stage. Let’s go on a journey together and see how languages, libraries and frameworks - and various other technologies - are used together to compose a symphony of absolute awesomeness! We will go beyond the traditional “hello world” example and try to inspire you by building something from the real world – something that you can relate to and something that you can go home and try tonight. Let’s get coding!