Monday Oct 2
13:30 –
Aud. 11
Alexa, Let’s Build a Serverless Skill
Amazon Alexa is the voice service that powers devices like the Amazon Echo. With Alexa, you can do everything—turn your lights on and off, play your favorite songs, and order a pizza just by speaking to it! In this session, you'll learn how to easily create a new Alexa Skill service without the need to manage any server infrastructure. By combining AWS services such as AWS Lambda, Amazon DynamoDB, and the Alexa Skills Kit, we’ll create a new skill, test it, deploy it, and show you how you can start adding your own capabilities to Alexa.
Automating for Acceleration with AtomistJessica KerrRuss MilesMonday Oct 2 @ 16:10
Pragmatic Event Driven Microservices with Axon and Spring BootAllard BuijzeMonday Oct 2 @ 10:20
Phoenix in Action: A Demonstration of Web Development in ElixirSonny ScrogginMonday Oct 2 @ 11:40
React NativeMax MalmMonday Oct 2 @ 14:50
Alexa, Let’s Build a Serverless SkillChris MunnsMonday Oct 2 @ 13:30