Topic Herding Cats: The Human Factor
GOTO Copenhagen 2017

Aud. 12

Topic Description

No matter how technical your job is, you will have to deal with humans after all. People interact with people to help people interact everywhere in our IT environments. Let’s be honest, even after our Agile or Lean implementation or radical Continuous Delivery initiative is running, there’s STILL the people problem. Every day can feel like herding cats. No matter what preparation or organisation you do - people run off and act independently. As our context gets faster and more complex, the old way of hierarchical decision making - from strategy to technical and everything in between - is definitely on the out - collaboration with humans is the unavoidable future to come. In this track the speakers will show you new ideas and techniques on how techs can deal with the Human Factor. This is new, innovative stuff - from people working on the ground, in the real world.

Speakers on this topic