Secure by Design – the Architect’s Guide to Security Design PrinciplesEoin WoodsMonday Oct 2 @ 10:20
Secure Substrate: Building the Moby WhaleDiogo MónicaMonday Oct 2 @ 11:40
Privacy in SoftwareEmma ArfeltMonday Oct 2 @ 13:30
Internet of TargetsLeif NixonMonday Oct 2 @ 14:50
The Security Impact of HTTPS InterceptionJ. Alex HaldermanMonday Oct 2 @ 16:10
Aud. 12
Topic Description
The Internet is the foundation of a modern society, but in a world where innovation and deployment is expected at an ever-increasing pace, security is often neglected. Security requires time, and this time is often not prioritized imposing a challenge when new vulnerabilities are discovered and exposed every day. As developers, how do we equip ourself with tools to withstand intrusive and adversarial attacks? This tracks will provide you with exactly those tools and food for thoughts on all aspects of IT Security.