Conference Sessions
Sunday, October 1
Monday, October 2
Pragmatic Event Driven Microservices with Axon and Spring Boot
Allard Buijze
Monday Oct 2 @ 10:20
Reactive Microsystems: The Evolution of Microservices at Scale
Jonas Bonér
Monday Oct 2 @ 11:40
High Availability Distributed (Micro-) Services
Clemens Vasters
Monday Oct 2 @ 13:30
Tales from inside the crater - an exploration of modern services and system architectures
Jesper L. Andersen
Monday Oct 2 @ 14:50
Autonomous Microservices for a Financial System
Jeppe Cramon
Monday Oct 2 @ 16:10
Conference Speakers
Conference Topics:
#Cloud Native
#software architecture
#(tech) teams
#mental health
#software developers
#software design
#app development
#mobile development
#digital transformation
#software engineering
#design thinking
#machine learning (ML)
#artificial intelligence (AI)
#cyber security
#software development
#augmented reality
#technology choices
#self-organizing teams
#team alignment
#distributed systems
#react native
#reactive programming
#programming languages
#Web Framework
#google cloud spanner
#coding dojo
#digital natives
#federated bus
#composite ui
#testing tools
#software testing
#continuous delivery
#open source
#platform engineering
#domain driven design
#Spring Boot
#computer science research
#computer science
#fail fast
#decision making
#functional architecture
#clean code
#human computer interaction
#big data
#data science
#deep learning
#https interception detection
#https interception
#code quality
#case study
#service virtualisation
#load balancing
#error handling