Building HTTP API SDKs that Really Are a Kit
GOTO Copenhagen 2019

Wednesday Nov 20
14:30 –
Aud 12

Building HTTP API SDKs that Really Are a Kit


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This talk will discuss the challenges of building HTTP API SDKs and what our two pizza sized team has learned from building SDKs for the Microsoft Graph. Microsoft Graph is an API with more than a billion users and 100K+ active client applications.

We will discuss the architectural principles and design that we used to build SDKs that benefit developers of all skill levels. Our approach to SDK design supports scenarios from desktop applications that make a few dozen calls a day, to services that make millions of calls a day. Whether you are looking to support just a single language for a small internal API or a dozen languages for a API product based company, this talk will have something of value for all developers who work with HTTP APIs.

What will the audience learn from this talk? Attendees will learn a strategy for decomposing the capabilities of a HTTP Client SDK into a flexible set of architectural components that needs the needs of a wide range of developers and will hear feedback on how Microsoft Graph customers have taken advantage of this architecture.

Does it feature code examples and/or live coding? Yes, this session will demonstrate using one of the SDKs in a variety of different ways to show the flexibility

Prerequisite attendee experience level: Level 300