GOTO Copenhagen 2017

More details about this track coming soon - stay tuned!
Solutions and Case Studies 2

The 'Solutions and Case study' track is one where you will find a variety of talks focussed on emphasising a specific user case where a particular problem was solved or where a particular solution was discovered to that problem. These talks can come directly from the vendor who provided the solution and inparticular the software product used to 'solve the issue' or from the consultant / company that found the solution to the said issue in question. In addition, you may also find some talks that are too general or unique to place in the other very specific tracks and therefore this is where we find them best placed. We advise therefore that you read through all the abstracts carefully as they can contain very different sessions!

Machine Learning

Software development companies need to get more aware of the many appliances of Machine Learning and how to incorporate Machine Learning into their software products. Join this track to learn about interesting Machine Learning cases and how to improve your software products with relevant machine learning technologies.

The Lean Startup Way

Startup success can be engineered by following the process, which means it can be learned, which means it can be taught.”

  • Eric Ries, Author of the Lean Startup book

The Lean startup process is changing the world and most startups follow this process and now also Enterprises have started to develop new products and services using Lean Startup. Eric Ries made a number of terms really well known. A minimal viable product (MVP) to test your ideas with potential clients as early as possible. To pivot when you learn that what you built is the wrong thing and need change.

This track will present stories from startups and Enterprises that have succeeded with Lean Startup. You can learn what is really important and what to avoid. When is a MVP a MVP? How much do you pivot when you pivot? How do you test your MVP and how do you gather the learning from testing your MVP and products.


Solutions and Case Studies 1

The 'Solutions and Case study' track is one where you will find a variety of talks focussed on emphasising a specific user case where a particular problem was solved or where a particular solution was discovered to that problem. These talks can come directly from the vendor who provided the solution and inparticular the software product used to 'solve the issue' or from the consultant / company that found the solution to the said issue in question. In addition, you may also find some talks that are too general or unique to place in the other very specific tracks and therefore this is where we find them best placed. We advise therefore that you read through all the abstracts carefully as they can contain very different sessions!

Working with Agile

We know that agility means working together, with customer-focus and short feedback loops. We also know the methodologies to choose between and that there are cultural and personal issues related to making this work. But often, when a company introduces agility, they forget to support the developers in their day-to-day job. How do they actually implement CD, pair programming, testing and architecture in agile development? Join this track about how to work with agile, and see what works and what does not work.

360 Degree Developer

A 360 Degree Developer is a developer who is not only a good programmer, but masters all the disciplines needed to produce high quality software. Disciplines such as agile methods, architecture, testing, user experience and deployment to production. Join this track to expand your competences and knowledge within these disciplines.

Cloud Complex

Today, a decade after the launch of AWS, cloud computing is ubiquitous and used by significant parts of the software industry.

But, in recent years, with the introduction of Docker containers, rise of microservices and with growing popularity of new technologies such as unikernels, lambda architectures and serverless, we see significant change in the way clouds are used.

In this track you'll have the opportunity to hear stories of successful implementations of these new technologies as well as being exposed to new ideas in the complex field of cloud computing.


This track focuses on how you can make your development of apps to mobile devices more professional and mature. We present tools and processes that will help you to automate the deployment process and show you how to introduce or extend a continues delivery setup for the mobile development platform.

No slides - just code

Enough with the slides! Show! Me! The! Code! Join this track and see live coding right on stage. Let’s go on a journey together and see how languages, libraries and frameworks - and various other technologies - are used together to compose a symphony of absolute awesomeness! We will go beyond the traditional “hello world” example and try to inspire you by building something from the real world – something that you can relate to and something that you can go home and try tonight. Let’s get coding!

Herding Cats: The Human Factor

No matter how technical your job is, you will have to deal with humans after all. People interact with people to help people interact everywhere in our IT environments. Let’s be honest, even after our Agile or Lean implementation or radical Continuous Delivery initiative is running, there’s STILL the people problem. Every day can feel like herding cats. No matter what preparation or organisation you do - people run off and act independently. As our context gets faster and more complex, the old way of hierarchical decision making - from strategy to technical and everything in between - is definitely on the out - collaboration with humans is the unavoidable future to come. In this track the speakers will show you new ideas and techniques on how techs can deal with the Human Factor. This is new, innovative stuff - from people working on the ground, in the real world.


The Internet is the foundation of a modern society, but in a world where innovation and deployment is expected at an ever-increasing pace, security is often neglected. Security requires time, and this time is often not prioritized imposing a challenge when new vulnerabilities are discovered and exposed every day. As developers, how do we equip ourself with tools to withstand intrusive and adversarial attacks? This tracks will provide you with exactly those tools and food for thoughts on all aspects of IT Security.


Getting real with Microservices

There are already oceans of articles, blogs and talks on Microservices, but how does one actually build and run a viable Microservice architecture? What does it take to tackle this axis of evil – technical, business, and operations – while aligning with management on important areas and topics such as deliverable timelines, ROI and project vs product mentality?  

In this track, industry experts will share their real life experiences implementing and supporting distributed systems. We will dive into the technical requirements, design criterion and look at some of the advantages and pitfalls.  

Looking to migrate towards a Microservice Architecture? This is the track to learn both what to do and what not to do as you start (or continue!) your journey to microservices. Speakers will share valuable insights and lessons learned and there will be plenty of time to ask the presenters questions and get all of your microservices questions answered!

Augmented Reality

Augmented Reality is a live direct or indirect view of a physical, real-world environment whose elements are augmented by computer-generated sound, video or graphics. A whole new range of products and software solutions arises, when you begin to think about the posibilities and applications of Augmented Reality. This track will look into the future of Augmented Reality and present concrete examples of what Augmented Reality is used for today.