On secret Missions - The successful journey of Chainalysis
GOTO Copenhagen 2017

Sunday Oct 1
10:20 –
Aud. 15

On secret Missions - The successful journey of Chainalysis


Through the innovation of the Blockchain, a brand new value transfer system was born. A system that enables an economy where everyone can participate an economy with no limits. New types of products as well as availability of existing products for billions of new consumers.

Just like the internet in its early days promised to set free information the blockchain sets free transfer of value. As with any paradigm shift this challenges existing incumbents and requires a careful transition to protect and guide the society through this change.

Chainalysis has been instrumental in facilitating this change - set on a mission in 2014 to bridge the gap between banks and companies active on the bitcoin blockchain by providing enhanced due diligence compliance solutions for both banks and bitcoin startups, a brand new method for compliance through transparency was devised in collaboration with Barclays leading to the on-boarding of the broker-dealer Circle Internet Financials in 2015. Further, Chainalysis have enabled Governments with oversight enabling regulation through transparancy for this new industry. Chainalysis customers in this space include regulators as well as enforcement agencies as an important part of building a new financial system is the ability to control its use for criminal activities.

The keynote will cover how Chainalysis have used the lean startup model to ensure the best market fit in the rapidly evolving blockchain industry as well as the next hurdles to tackle to secure financial transparency in an open world.