José Valim
Creator of Elixir Programming Language, Chief Adoption Officer at DashbitJosé is the creator of the Elixir programming language and Chief Adoption Officer at Dashbit. He is also the author of three technical books, including Adopting Elixir: From Concept to Production, Crafting Rails Applications: Expert Practices for Everyday Rails Development and Crafting Rails 4 Applications: Expert Practices for Everyday Rails Development.
In the last years, Elixir has grown as technology in both web and embedded markets being used by companies around the world. The Elixir community also organizes events in Europe, Americas, and Asia.
José was the member of the Rails Core Team from early 2010 to mid 2014, where he has received the Ruby Hero Award as a recognition for his work on other Open Source projects. In 2015, José won the Erlang User of the Year award.
José graduated in Engineering at Escola Politécnica de São Paulo (Brazil) and has a Master's degree from Politecnico di Torino, in Italy.