The GOTO Spirit

GOTO is probably the best all-round software engineering conference that is not tailored to a specific topic. Some of the best speakers in the area, very engaging, and parallel tracks covering just broad enough topics that you can follow your interest and find relevant topics, but don't miss out on too many talks you might have wanted to hear in a different track. GOTO lets you keep up-to-date on software development best practices, and sends you home with new knowledge, inspiration and engagement. — Kåre Fiedler Christiansen, Senior Software Engineer at Cryptomathic
Many thanks to GOTO Conferences for inviting me to Copenhagen last week. Since retiring from speaking, I haven’t missed being on stage, but I’ve definitely missed chatting with other software professionals. It was great to listen to some excellent talks, catch up with old friends, and meet new people. As always, the GOTO program was top-notch with plenty of great content. — Martin Fowler on GOTO Copenhagen 2024

3 Core values that set GOTO apart

  • Today: Tips and tools you can use the second you’re back at your desk.
  • Tomorrow: Ideas to fuel your next big project.
  • Future: Forward-thinking insights that might not be mainstream yet—but soon will be.
I loved having the speakers enjoying all the talks. And sharing their knowledge during informal timeslots.  — Seppe, GOTO Copenhagen 2024 Attendee

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