What's up with Rust?
GOTO Copenhagen 2024

Wednesday Oct 2
10:15 –
TAP1, Nordea Keynote

What's up with Rust?


An informative guide to what is special about the Rust programming language and how to bring the best parts of it into your software project, whichever programming language it's implemented in.

Rust programmers spend a lot of time thinking about lifetimes, ownership and borrowing. So should you! These concepts are actually universal in programming. Rust's approach is to encode them into the type system and make the compiler check that you're obeying the rules (that you manually check anyway).

We'll also learn about some of its language features, including algebraic data types, error handling, and how it can guarantee that (the equivalent of) a NullPointerExeception will never occur. This language that brings memory safety to systems programming has much to share. Come and learn!