Automatic Testing Meets the Real World
GOTO Copenhagen 2017

Monday Oct 2
11:40 –
Aud. 10

Automatic Testing Meets the Real World


"We are already agile, now can you please automate the test process, and make our company practice Continuous Delivery”… Sounds easy right?

But what about the large legacy code base that is not designed for automated tests? What if our software is not a nice collection of microservices? How do you test a complex CAD/CAM GUI? Can we shape the culture of the company to make automated testing a cool thing for 300+ developers and testers? What is the cost, and do we even know the right approach to get a return on our investment? Can we use the results to document our medical software?

These and more questions will be answered truthfully in this description of 3Shape’s transition towards automated tests in our build pipeline. The results of our pilot project, the strategy for rolling out to entire R&D department, the tools we used, and what did and did not work.