Felienne Hermans
Author of “The Programmer’s Brain”, Creator of the Hedy programming languageFelienne will share her journey of creating Hedy, an easy-to-use, multilingual programming language for beginners. You’ll get practical tips and resources to improve how you teach or mentor programming. You’ll also learn how to make programming education more inclusive and support a diverse group of learners.
Talks at GOTO Copenhagen 2024
Felienne is a professor of Computer Science Education at the Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam. She also works as a high-school CS teacher one day a week at Lyceum Kralingen in the Codasium program.
Felienne is the creator of the Hedy programming language, a gradual and multi-lingual programming languages designed for teaching.
She is the author of “The Programmer’s Brain“, a book that helps programmers understand how their brain works and how to use it more effectively. In 2021, Felienne was awarded the Dutch Prize for ICT research. She also has a biweekly tech column on BNR, a Dutch radio station.