2 Days: Agile Coaching Certified Professional
GOTO Copenhagen 2023

2 Days: Agile Coaching Certified Professional

Thursday Oct 5
09:00 –
Friday Oct 6
09:00 –
10,500.00 DKK

The profession of Agile Coaching is way beyond enforcing a framework. You need to be interested in people, help them unlock their potential and enable them to grow - we provide the tools and competences to do so.

In our coaching training the participants will learn about being an Agile coach using systemic coaching tools and techniques. They will learn about the various stances in Agile coaching (coaching, teaching, mentoring and advising), how to act within each of those stances and how to decide which stance to apply.

We expect that you as a participant have an experience level equal to a practicing ScrumMaster or team facilitator.

What you get from our Agile Coaching training:

  • The various stances of the Scrum Master, Agile Coach and Systemic Coach
  • Coaching conversation techniques to help people reflect and get to action
  • Deep understanding of team dynamics and how to access and coach your team
  • Organisational dynamics and how do deal with organisational impediments
  • Change management techniques
  • Teaching approaches and techniques
  • Observation techniques and providing feedback
  • Conflict resolution
  • Your personal growth as an Agile Coach

The training will be continued at two half day online session on October 9th and 12th from 9 to 12.30 CEST. Zoom-link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/87289829636?pwd=N1htVXpZMHd6WGpOV1VEWG9Ob1pYQT09

You will be certified as ICAgile Professional Coach upon completion of this training.