Explore how to break apart a monolith and transition to a microservice architecture
Many people interested in adopting microservice architectures already have lots of valuable working software that uses different architectures. Rather than throwing all that away and undertaking a "Big Bang" rewrite, you can save time, headaches, and money by adapting what you already have and incrementally adopting a microservice architecture.
In this workshop we'll explore a number of techniques that allow you to incrementally migrate from existing monolithic applications or vendor-based software to microservice architectures. You'll learn how to make the necessary architectural changes to adopt microservices without needing to resort to a "Big Bang" rewrite.
We'll also explore how to plan and prioritse a transition, including how to make sure you can make progress while still shipping features.
What you'll learn-and how you can apply it
By the end of this course, you’ll understand:
- How to prioritize what to migrate first
- How to keep your existing software running and serving customers while moving functionality to a new architecture
- How to break down migration into multiple discrete steps
And you’ll be able to:
- Use a variety of migration patterns in different contexts to make adopting microservices easier
- See architecture less as a static, non-changing entity and more as something you must continuously change to make sure it’s fit for its purpose
This training course is for you because…
- You're currently struggling with a large monolithic system.
- You have a big COTS product you want to replace with your own solution.
- You want to incrementally migrate toward a microservice architecture.
Course Requirements
A basic understanding of microservices is useful, but not essential. This class is not a coding workshop, but will be interactive, making use of group exercises to help participants explore the topics.