We seek the best speakers from around the world and let them shape the agenda — they're the experts after all.
Masterclass with...

Ben Sadeghipour
Hacker, content creator and public speaker.
Masterclass with...

Simon Brown
Creator of the famous C4 model, author
Masterclass with...

Fred George
Early Adopter of OO & Agile, Advocating MicroServices & Programmer Anarchy
Masterclass with...

Roy Osherove
Elastic leadership and delivery pipelines
Masterclass with...

Holly Cummins
Senior Principal Software Engineer on the Red Hat Quarkus team
Masterclass with...

Christian Clausen
Author of "Five Lines of Code"
Masterclass with...

Malte Foegen
Chief Operating Officer, working with clients on transforming to be successful in digital times
Masterclass with...

Adam Tornhill
Founder and CTO at CodeScene Programmer, psychologist, Lisp hacker, speaker and author of several books including "Your Code as a Crime Scene"
Masterclass with...

Andrew Kelley
Creator of the Zig programming language
Masterclass with...

Fabio Nudge Pereira
Speaker, influencer, writer, futurist, technologist focused on people
Masterclass with...

Jens Østergaard
Agile developer consultant & founder of the Heart of Scrum
Masterclass with...

Moez Ali
Creator of PyCaret
Masterclass with...

Thomas Vitale
Author of "Cloud Native Spring in Action"
For further questions regarding speakers