GOTO Copenhagen 2022
Conf. Oct. 3-5 // Masterclasses Oct. 6-7
Venue: Big Bio Nordhavn
We’re back in Copenhagen October 3-7! Join us there for a front row seat to what’s coming next in the world of tech and meet the experts that are taking us there.
2022 Speakers
We have the coolest speakers
Interested in partnering with GOTO Copenhagen 2022?
As a GOTO Copenhagen partner, you’ll have the chance to engage with team leads, managers, architects and developers eager to learn more about what you have to offer.
We’ll give you the ideal platform to share your story, showcase your technology and generate quality leads.
Email Maria Wennestam to discuss how you can get involved with GOTO Copenhagen 2022.
While we wait for the conference to begin...
... you can watch videos of sessions from previous GOTO conferences. Many more are available on our YouTube Channel, or if you want the option to download to watch top-rated conference videos offline download our GOTO Play App available for iOS and Android devices.
GOTO Copenhagen will be held at Big Bio Nordhavn