We are agile but... a testers reflections
We are doing agile, but we don’t do testing above unit test within the sprints” Or “we are doing agile, but we have something we call a hardening sprint in the end, which in our case is more of a system/system integration test phase”, or maybe “We are doing agile but we have a separate test team” - Does that sound familiar to you? The core mindset of agile is to build quality in and ensure working software – the only measure of progress. But at the same time, we time and time again see agile projects suffering from: limited unit test, limited test knowledge in the team, separate test phases outside the sprint, and no automated test above unit test level. Futhermore, many projects struggle with getting the business sufficiently involved. These challenges are a risk to not just the quality in classical terms but also to the core principle of delivering software of value to the customer. In this presentation Gitte Ottosen will discuss some of the challenges of an agile transition seen through a testers eyes, and give inspiration to low practical initiatives that will get your team started with a more test infected way of working and thinking – ensuring working software that are of value to our customer.