Marc Klefter
Speaker at GOTO Copenhagen 2024

In Marc’s masterclass, you’ll dive into the principles and patterns of event-driven systems, learning how to design and implement them from scratch. You’ll explore concepts like Event Modeling, Event Sourcing, and asynchronous messaging, and gain hands-on experience with real-world scenarios, such as building a bike rental service. By the end, you'll be equipped with practical skills to develop and deploy your own event-driven systems.

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Masterclasses at GOTO Copenhagen 2024

Marc Klefter has an extensive (20+ years) background as an engineer, entrepreneur, consultant, trainer, and international speaker. As CTO of the Swedish consultancy firm Edument he helps clients to build cloud-native systems, with a focus on domain modeling, system design, event-driven architecture and cloud-native application development.

Marc’s recent speaking and training engagements include Devoxx UK, NDC Porto, Öredev, Jfokus, and VoxxedDays Brussels. Edument is an official technical partner to AxonIQ in the Nordics.

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