Thomas Vitale

Software Architect, author of "Cloud Native Spring in Action", CNCF Ambassador, Oracle ACE Pro

#cloud #security

Senior software engineer at Systematic and author of Cloud Native Spring in Action

The expert on application security, cloud development and JVM languages and frameworks

Talks at GOTO Copenhagen 2021

Masterclasses at GOTO Copenhagen 2021

Senior software engineer specialized in building modern, cloud native, robust, and secure enterprise applications and author of Cloud Native Spring in Action, published by Manning.

Thomas develops web and mobile enterprise software solutions at Systematic, Denmark, supporting home care, social services, and help to citizens. He has led the development of features to ensure a high degree of security and data privacy in our products and worked on modernizing our platforms and applications for the cloud-native world. Thomas has an MSc in Computer Engineering specializing in software from the Polytechnic University of Turin (Italy).

He is a Red Hat Certified Enterprise Application Developer and Pivotal Certified Spring Professional. He's been building Java applications for more than five years, using Spring and Java EE/Jakarta EE. He likes contributing to open source projects like Spring Security, Spring Cloud, and Keycloak Thomas writes articles about application security, cloud development and JVM languages and frameworks on his blog.

Join his two talks and masterclass at GOTO Copenhagen to learn more about microservices, Kubernetes, Spring Boot and Spring Cloud.