Peter Søndergaard
3Shape A/S
Speaker at GOTO Copenhagen 2018

Talks at GOTO Copenhagen 2018

Peter Søndergaard is team lead for the Orthodontics Technology Team at 3Shape A/S. The team specializes in research and development of machine learning solutions to orthodontic problems, maturing new ideas into medically validated, production quality code. He has 5 years of experience from the Danish health care industry (Oticon A/S and 3Shape A/S) in creating medically validated software. Peter has been with 3Shape since 2017, where he has established the team.

Peter has a Ph.D. from the Technical University of Denmark (DTU) in mathematics. He has worked 5 years at DTU and Austrian Academy of Sciences (Vienna, Austria) investigating fundamental problems in the mathematical modelling of human hearing and publishing the results as papers and open source software.